JCBG brings Chinese film delegation to Nashville Film Festival


The JCBG team welcomed a Chinese film delegation to the China Spectrum of the Nashville Film Festival along with Tennessee entertainment industry representatives and Chinese community leaders. JCBG and its China office have been working closely with the Tennessee Entertainment Commission, NaFF and the Chinese Film Producers Association to facilitate the visits and on-going partnerships between Tennessee and China.  

 JCBG has brought the Chinese film makers to participate in the Nashville Film Festival China Spectrum for the past several years and has helped to establish solid relationships for entertainment industry partnerships between U.S. and China.


 China is adding 20 screens per day and will soon surpass U.S. to become the top film market in box office revenues. “The Chinese government allows 34 imported films a year screened in China. But there is no limit for co-produced films. We look forward to partnering with the entertainment industries in both countries to develop more family friendly content that can be distributed in both China and the U.S.” says Li Weaver, President of JC Business Group. 

 "The Tennessee Entertainment Commission and ECD International Division is very excited to be in partnership with the Nashville Film Festival & JC Business Group to host the Chinese Film Producer's Association in the State of Tennessee.  This is an important step in bridging relations with China's rapidly growing entertainment industry and showcasing the talent Tennessee has to offer on an international level”, said Tennessee Executive Director, Bob Raines. “We look forward to growing this partnership and expanding our industry beyond Tennessee's borders.”